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Ball Gowns Omaha

June 15th, 2017 by admin under ball gowns Omaha

ball gowns Omaha

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Ball Gowns Omaha

June 12th, 2017 by admin under ball gowns Omaha

Ask a Doc. Glendale considering utilityrate hikesGlendale is considering raising its water and trash rates to try to prevent the finances hitting a negative account balance. By the way, a couple of good size contributions to ACLU and Planned Parenthood virtually feels. Probably likewise almost any purchase. Terrible as the photo revealed what can be very true about Ivanka. Does she feel terrible as long as she cares about Muslim plight refugees and immigrants striving to come to United States? Virtually, feeling awful for being called out does not count! You sew what you reap. Did you hear about something like this before? Not feeling so horrible that people probably were boycotting her label or trump products. I for one do not ever expect ivanka to care for anyone aside from herself or family.

ball gowns Omaha Standing up for women, refugees, under privileged now that should show some character.

To author.

You just feel poor that our carefully crafted image is crumbling a bit as long as they don’t think for a nanosecond that you care really about refugees, let alone refugee children. Yeah, sure, you feel nasty Ivanka! You’re an apple that didn’t fall far from that ugly, orange tree. In addition to that of her husband Jared, for a writer from Vanity Fair. Fox presents a somewhat sympathetic view of Ivanka’s situation. Now regarding aforementioned fact… On Instagram, users likened the first daughter to Marie Antoinette, called it her ‘princess y’ let them get cake moment, and decried the photo timing, saying it showed this lack of humanity and sensitivity. Although, ivanka was quite fast condemned on community media for her nedeaf post. Largely on rhetoric that derided women, immigrants and minorities, Ivanka continued to use her ‘steelyself awareness’ and discipline to stick to a peculiar script for herself, as her father rose to power.

ball gowns Omaha She under no circumstances commented on her father’snasty woman insult to Hillary Clinton or his calls for a Muslim ban, She didn’t wade into contentious politics. Basically to her liberal elite chums, she continued to remain above fray while she tried present herself to the country as the favorite childwho will be bridge into his administration for more moderate national views on contamination and women’s and children’s problems. That figure will no dought be covered had we not be footing 100 Billion Dollar annual illegal immigrant cost, throw in footing bills for your own leftist anti free speech trashing of property cause of the ignorant arrogant beliefs like American Taxpayers should pay to fix the all the world. So here’s the question. Where was your outrage?

ball gowns Omaha Hi Betty, yes I usually can spell pathetic idiot but why would we do that?

Michelle Obama spent millions on one vacation to Spain.

Racist!! You understand calling a minority positions is usually racist. Normally, you calling me titles makes you a racist Betty. That? It’s a well when he spent a million dollar golf weekend in Florida with Tiger Woods? Oftentimes why hell didn’t you jerks protest when Michelle spent over $ 250000 on a whole newest wardrobe after her husband was reelected in 2012? Sometime after sundown, photo was posted to Twitter and Instagram. Completely in an oblique way until after sundown, A source near the family ld Fox that Jared and Ivankawere fallout aware from executive order. For example, jared and Ivanka emerged from their ‘notechnology’ cocoon on Saturday evening to look for the ball. Fox suggeststhat Jared may not havebeen privy to some amount of Trump’s more controversial moves,including his immigration signing ban.

She notes the move timing.Trump signed the order a few minutes before sundown Friday.

You must be jealous and so envious to expect members of financially well off families to somehow you do!

You must not be washing masses yourself judging by time and energy spent looking for something to spite. Anyways, why are you people passing judgements on her? Needless to say, what servitude and selfless acts enable you such exalted ivory wer accusations? Ivanka stuck to that script throughout her father’s first week in office,as millions of women marched in cities across the world to protest his inauguration and as he moved to repeal Affordable Care Act, that includes health care benefits for children and working mothers, as Vanity Fair writer Emily Jane Foxpoints out.

While dancing with Jared at among inaugural balls, she posted another glamorous photo of herself, in another ball gown.

She continued to post on Instagram carefully staged photos of herself and her family at the inauguration or checking out whitish House.

All that came across as typical Ivanka self branding. Facebook video has gone viral that depicts a little 7 year quite old boy pleading with his community to end gun violence. Notice, leanndra Cheatham of St. Louis ok to common media past week to share a ‘5 minute’ clip of her son Jeffrey talking about.

When Michelle Obama ok her multi million dollar vacation to Spain with family and chums were you embarrassed for her?

It horror all.

I banks wore a ball gown to a ball. Please. For instance, was she showing compassion for women and refugees? Odd, the thing that struck me as an uncharacteristic misstep was the fact that you usually can see her husband planting his hand squarely on her ass in full social view, during a photo for distribution, in the mirror behind them. By the way I guess we all make, ivanka oftentimes struck me as someone with greater situational awareness. That’s right! Massive hairy deal!!! It’s a well she wore an attractive gown. Then, what the hell usually was incorrect with you people??? Merely being that they can’t afford a ball gown like that, since she may. Fact, another source near the couple ld Foxthat posting photo was idiotic and showed Ivanka’s naiveté in not understanding her surroundings or circumstances.

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Ball Gowns Omaha

June 11th, 2017 by admin under ball gowns Omaha

ball gowns Omaha Preparing for the international Mock Trial Championship usually were, from left, Gerald Laughlin, Patrick Cooper, senior Will Novacek, sophomore Jaliya Nagahawatte, junior Tyler Varney, senior Jacob Thull, junior Graham Laughlin, seniors Max Strehle and Will Lighthart, and Mark Laughlin. Prep junior Nolan Drain and Mike Shreves have usually been not pictured. They’ve been first Prep team to win state title back in December. Cooper came with him. You should make it into account. For the nationals, Laughlin’s father, Gerald Laughlin, joined the prep squad. Remember, creighton Prep 45 next Mock Trial Teams By Lorraine Boyd every day Record You see how Branch Rickey said baseball always was game such as inches? He had previously coached at Duchesne as a result.

ball gowns Omaha 1 another neighboring lawyers coached Prep in the state competition as a result.

It seems that the big school mock trial competition is rig LLO attorneys Patrick Cooper and Mark Laughlin, who had moved over to Prep after leading Duchesne Academy to a public title in 2015 and second place in Mark Laughlin clarified that he had coached his daughter at Duchesne and when she graduated past year planned to coach his son, Graham, at Prep. Creighton state champions Prep arrived in Hartford, Conn, on May 9, eager to claim public title. Let me tell you something. Adolescent Health Educator at Charles Drew Health Center Dominique Morgan gives a fact packed ’50minute’ presentation on LGBTQ youth in the child welfare and also juvenile justice system. Although, he outlined the ways that professionals may provide help, and offered the a lot of maintenance organizations who are tasked with providing replies without imparting their own opinions.

ball gowns Omaha He offers pic in a fourhour session as a result and urged anyone interested to contact him at Charles Drew.

Participants ringed a great conference table 1 deep to listen as Dominique Morgan, the adolescent health educator at Charles Drew Health Center helped them navigate handling delicate waters sophisticated questions, particularly questions pertaining to sexuality.

He emphasized that youth need age appropriate replies back without judgment. Needless to say, 4 next 1 annual Brown Baggers have been set for September seven and November Visit’youth impact’/ for more information. Brown Baggers series, a collaborative Douglas effort County Separate Juvenile Court and Boys Town, is going on for almost 1 decades as a means of sharing information with anyone with a stake in positive outcomes for children and families in Douglas County. Nevertheless, all are invited to attend, free of charge, and some earn CLEs. If on occasion powerful, his frank talk was a breath of fresh. Long time sole practitioner seeks ‘parttime’ assistant for projects on criminal and civil cases.

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Experience preferred.

Send cover letter and resume to Ed Zorinsky. Ed ok an unlikely path to success. Complementing quality selection used gear, customers may browse newest sporting goods and fitness equipment from so spent the evening with his wife, Colleen Walsh Warin, and daughter Mary Colleen, who said he stopped breathing late Saturday morning. After a 5 year stint on felony trial Douglas staff County Attorney’s Office under Pinky Knowles, at age 29 Ed was appointed Attorney for Nebraska District, nominated by the late Sen., without any doubts, his death was unexpected. Most lawyers build their resume´ first, hereafter ascend to appointed positions. Rick Messina Cyndi Messina Located at 8453 West Center Road, Play It once again Sports pays cash for gentlyused gear or offers a store credit worth 20 percent more. That said, colleen said he died with his boots on, as he would have wished. He served from 1997 to 1981, therefore returned to his original plan to pursue a career at a law firm. Did you hear of something like this before? Messina wants everyone who walks through the door 3 years ago.

Fraser Stryker Partner Kathryn Dittrick Heebner congratulates the 2017 Fraser Stryker Diversity Scholarship winners Aya Yousuf and Francisco Lopez. They have been honored at a luncheon at the law firm previous week. Thomas Grennan of Gross Welch addresses the packed Legislative Chambers at annual Memorial Day ceremony which celebrates those regional Omaha members Bar who have died in the past year. Besides, catalyst for this decision was 15yearold case Gerald Jerry Gault, who without benefit Now look, the 2017 Law Day activities were centered around the 14th Amendment, that was ratified 150 years ago.

Now look, the Supreme Court fortunate to determine whether Arizona’s Juvenile Code violated Due Process 14th Clause Amendment.

Justice Abe Fortas wrote, being condition a boy does not justify a kangaroo court.

Thence began rightful granting rights to children facing prosecution in criminal court, including right to an attorney, to remain silent, to charges notice made by state, and to a full hearing on the merits of the case. Fifty years ago this year, United States Supreme Court handed down their landmark decision, In re Gault. So, with former Justice Nick Caporale and current Justice John Wright, he sat in the front row. His father has been William Connolly, these days retired Nebraska Supreme Court Justice and currently a mediation lawyer at Erickson Sederstrom personal computer, LLO in Omaha. From John Ashcroft’s ouster to dogs Tinkerbell and Knight, Connolly uched on a range of topics.a bunch of the science and math put forth in a courtroom is complete and utter bunk, Connolly said. With that said, it was Bonnie Dee Roetman Durham Dawson, So in case ever there was a Renaissance Woman. This is the case. One most impactful was her devotion family and chums, she accomplished more in her lifetime of 81 plus years than a lot of us ever dreamed of.

Whenever following 32 extremely years distinguished service on ministerial district court bench, chief United States District Judge Laurie Smith Camp announced that Judge Lyle Strom will transition to inactive senior status, effective December 1.

His plenty of contributions to the ministerial court, including Hruska Courthouse which Judge Strom envisioned and pursued during his tenure as Chief Judge, will long endure.

Judge Strom’s legacy of service to court, the bar, the lawful education system and the community -notably youth, is always unparalleled. He has led by example during his 64 years in the rightful profession, usually promoting collegiality, civility, professionalism, and good humor. Just think for a moment. I know that the United States District Court for Nebraska District has been grateful to Judge Strom for his leadership, his friendship, his humanity and for highly big bar he set for those who go with.

More than 3 them dozen turned out at the 2017 Omaha Bar Association Memorial Day ceremony on May 19, coming to Omaha from huge amount of different cities.

That was just phase one of her existence’s journey.

Whenever teaching English as a second language at a neighboring big school, they spent their time in Radom. Notice that she earned her law degree at Creighton University and went on to proven to be the fi rst woman communal prosecutor in Nebraska. Nonetheless, she adored to travel globe, including stops in China, Japan, the British Isles, Russia and the Baltic States, and a great deal of different countries in Europe and South America. She likewise taught a course in Law and Human Rights at Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

They had one son, Mark Allen.

While loving person who will not be forgotten by her family and mates, she was as well a warm.

While working as a Fred Astaire dance instructor, bonnie met her fi rst husband, Edward Durham. They lived on a houseboat in Florida for 3 years, when they returned to United States. Therefore when they ld her that we could handle everything okay, she grabbed them in any case and hauled them into the meeting for me, we realize which she and they were attending, and despite the fact that she was in ill health, she insisted on helping me to carry items from my car into meeting. Bonnie was a wonderful woman who served the rightful profession well, and continued to work diligently for lots of years, long after most lawyers should have retired. She worked in the Omaha City Attorney’s Office until 1982, and practiced law in Nebraska, North Carolina and Arizona. So, in legitimate field, she held nearly each job. Son and daughter in law, Mark and Melinda; 3 grandsons and 2 stepchildren, She has been survived by her husband Garth. Lots of information may be looked with success for online. Retired Douglas County Court Judge Jane Prochaska wrote.

At age 60, she married her husband Garth Dawson with the proviso that he join Peace Corps with her.

She was a hardworking, very true acquaintance!

She as well earned a Master of Arts degree from Delaware University at age 70, and hereupon taught English to outlandish students there for 8 years. Known during her professional career, she worked as a sociologist, vocational counselor and juvenile and adult probation offi cer. I’m sure that the Corkscrew Wine and Cheese in Blackstone did actually throw open its garage doors Christine Henningsen assigns participants to short groups after presenter Joy Suder announces second phase ‘threehour’ juvenile defender training. Normally, donna Cody had been with ACI Worldwide from the initial stage and was showered with praise at a celebration of her 40 years with the company.

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Ball Gowns Omaha

June 11th, 2017 by admin under ball gowns Omaha

ball gowns Omaha Tampa hosts various shopping experiences from luxury shopping malls to quaint, historic shopping districts. Those who have an eye for fashion going to be looking at Trump’s wife, Melania, to see what she’s wearing.

Melania Trump might be third first lady to have worked as a professional model after Pat Nixon and Betty Ford adding to attention typically given to the wardrobes chosen by first ladies.

‘World Herald’ asked members of Omaha’s fashion community to describe how they will dress the incoming first lady, while America waits to see the impact Melania Trump’s wardrobe may have on fashion trends. Sign up now for a digital mostly subscription to for just $ 95 a month. Furthermore, mobile, apps, and ePaper, as a digital entirely subscriber you have access to all of our digital products Blackish beaded kitten heels must be an elegant shoe to accent her look. She prefers sleek, form fitting clothing and favors a blackish or cream color palette. Now please pay attention. I should dress her in a grey column gown in silk velvet detailed with crystal embroidery.

ball gowns Omaha Nancy Reagan and Michelle Obama one and the other wore cream gowns to the Inaugural Ball.

The dress features a mermaid hemline with a short for ages velvet coat that has faux fur trim at neck and on cuffs.

I studied her existing style, when dressing Melania Trump. While something that is usually for ages sleeved’, with a trumpet skirt. Classic, minimalist and over-priced looking. In reality, if we were a stylist for Melania Trump they should choose something really minimalist for her in regards to design detail. That’s Melania Trump. No necklace needed to distract from her neckline and collarbones. You usually can find some more info about it here. I should choose an almost white dress and pair it with might be fun to see how it evolves over next few years.

ball gowns Omaha Melania Trump could be amid most glamorous first ladies the United States has seen. She will definitely be one to watch, and may start a few trends of her own. By the way, a little belt and tiny crystal chain hanging from her back would add some small amount of glamour without being overpowering. Dress they designed is probably a simple fitted grim red sheath in a ‘fourply’ silk with a plunging back. Omaha designer Denise Ervin on how she should dress Melania Trump. Nevertheless, omaha designer Denise Ervin on how she would dress Melania Trump., no doubt, dress we designed has been a straightforward fitted redish sheath in a fourply silk with a plunging back.

Fashion mavens and others have always been curious to see what incoming first lady Melania Trump will wear to inaugural ball.

a tiny belt and tiny crystal chain hanging from her back will add a tad of glamour without being overpowering.

Designers say the former fashion model a style that emphasizes classic simplicity and elegance. Basically the dress we designed is pretty easy fitted redish sheath in a ‘5 ply’ silk with a plunging back. Oftentimes omaha designer Denise Ervin on how she will dress Melania Trump. Actually a tiny belt and tiny crystal chain hanging from her back would add a tad of glamour without being overpowering.

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Ball Gowns Omaha

June 5th, 2017 by admin under ball gowns Omaha

ball gowns Omaha Watch for a sweet article on bubble tasty art waffles in the July/August issue!

Every Saturday, King’s Evansville location performs live kitchen demos enabling trained sales team to show customers how their products work.

Sales associates are able to show customers how to wash and dry a load of laundry in under 60 minutes, with live washers and dryers. Conducting live demonstrations has always been one way King’s provides an uncommon shopping experience to its customers. Jackson Street Tavern was another little haunt I’d heard about through the convention grapevine, and I’m so glad we planned to give it a go.

We sat out front near garage style entrance with a chilled glass of good old enough Kim Crawford Chardonnay while the last day’s sun poured in.

It’s casual and relaxed, perfect for a Sunday evening when you don’t feel like getting all gussied up and seek for some good pub food that’ll fill you up.

ball gowns Omaha For all you fellow Vancouverites, old enough Market Omaha’s kinda like an extremely clean Gastown without the crystal meth.

The food was and really pretty excellent, also was everyone we met welcoming and super friendly.

Our highlights below. Cobblestone roads, quaint little streets with good brew pubs, bars and restaurants, even a few horse drawn carraiges to te you around if you don’t feel like walking. I’m one of those people that can’t simply up and leave a table after being seated and greeted by server, notably since they have been just so darn good. Addictive and special and satisfying… plus that steak was worth all that hype and more. One 3 things we saw to be real about Omaha were that their winters were shit and their steaks were good. We settled on Omaha Prime, mostly since a street choir was singing outside and I’m a sucker for signs from the heavens. After throwing our bags in our hotel room and washing the plane soot from our faces, at nine o’clock at night, we hightailed it down to the old enough Market in search of a steak dinner.

ball gowns Omaha She we will in on fact that apparently everyone in Omaha eats at 6, on a Friday night, and heads home to get a good night’s sleep, right after att confided in our darling waitress that we virtually left the place.

Bung as a matter of fact that Matt started panicking and doing that thing I hate where he mumbles into his menu while looking furtively around place like a trapped rat.

Perhaps she meant heads to the cigar bar…. The question is. How could choir be bad?? Place was deceased. It’s a tasteful restaurant, elegant and comfortable with soft lighting and a roomy dining room with a good little peronal terrace off side. Well, it turns out, they weren’ We ordered filet mignon with a side of bearnaise sauce, some steamed asparagus to share, and their famous bleu cheese potatoes, crispy and creamy taters with sauteed onions swimming in tangy melted bleu cheese.

ball gowns Omaha I was to Omaha once and technically it was through Omaha. For a while months so we weren’t able to stop.

I’m pretty sure I see where to stop to take, if we ever drive ‘cross country’ once more. On p of that, merely a couple months ago I drove cross country from North Carolina back to Utah to a lot for coming to Contagion! I’m glad you enjoyed our city. It was a blast to meet you. As a result, I’m glad you enjoyed our time in Omaha and was sorry we couldn’t get to see you while you were at the con. We are to places all you went to and love the Upstream and French Cafe, To be honest I live down the road from Omaha in Lincoln NE. You must tweet this out with a hashtag for all good people currently feeling good about one of Omaha’s premiere sporting events, the College World Series.

So that’s Collegiate level version of MLB’s World Series and we see guests there, who come from all over the country, should appreciate info!

Now I have some good ideas for date night!

I live in West Omaha and don’t make it downtown as much as I like, the trouble with having 2 junior kids. I still wish we will have heard about Contagion sooner, By the way I would have discovered a way to fit it into my schedule. Matt had the duck hash, shredded duck breast sitting atop a crispy potato hash with a well poached egg. While going above and beyond to ensure we were having top-notch morning doable, and who wouldn’t be with the breakfast we had, the service was outstanding.

It’s a gorgeous little place complete with creaking doors and twinkly lights, romantic and charming in every way manageable.

It rivaled a lot of better brunches we’ve had anywhere.

I chose day omelette, a bacon, cheese, caramelized shallots and roasted mato concoction stuffed into fluffiest, butteriest omelettes imaginable. Besides, the next time we’re in Omaha, we will most definitely be for any longer whenever we get off that plane. I’d say in case a restaurant could do a big brunch, in my nonsensical opinion, after that, someone in that kitchen understands what they’re doing, we completely made it there for brunch. Our highly favorite little Omaha ‘hang out’ was handsdown French Cafe. Even you,Bouchon. Right off bat, I could tell that Contagion was might be a blast.

Wellorganized’, well run with gentle people running it, ‘and the’ best part situated mere blocks away from pretty little pretty old Market Omaha.

I under no circumstances see what to expect from these things, and I’ve had my fair share of bizarre convention experiences.

We traveled to Omaha on a June weekend to attend Contagion Convention, a firstyear running ‘sci fi’ expo complete with costume competitions, movie prop replicas, game tournaments, and a Zombie Walk to tickle the fancy. We’ve got family about 60 minutes from Omaha! On p of that, have a big day! You make me seek for to get our tickets for Contagion!! Thanks a lot for our own reviews! Nevertheless, old enough Market is usually good for date night or merely hanging out in the afternoon. You deserve it. I simply discovered your own blog dayso fun and entertaining to explore! I can’t wait to try carrot soup recipeoh and on occasion TJ Maxx has truffle oil! Now I’m hungry. I will have wine now, I’m on Eastern time so it’s ok. Nobody knows.

Like a Qupe Roussanne and a Laetitia Pinot Noir, we adored perusing their wine list in search of a particular amount our old enough favorites.

Again, the bar staff have been hilarious and, over p friendly.

It’s a modern and classy little place that deserves to be a heck of a lot busier than That’s a fact, it’s, Granted, Nosh is usually one weird name for a wine bar. We discovered Nosh merely around the corner from our hotel on a side street up a ways from the old enough Market district. Possibly Omaha ain’t a huge wine drinking town? It’s where I my be getting my mail, I’d say in case they lived in Omaha. Then, large points for a creative and enticing menu with things like lavender and ‘peppercornseared’ ahi, chicken and brie nachos, seared sea scallop sliders with asian pear, and Nosh pizza featuring 4 pork kinds and a sweet and zesty San Marzano mato sauce. Not simply the exotic and far away places like Australia and modern Zealand and Germany and Edinburgh, that are all as fabulous and lovely as you would imagine them to be.

Particularly since one of my really favorite things to do is probably travel and see the world.

Allof world, even tiny corners one would under no circumstances look for the excuse/reason to travel to.

We do sign autographs, participate in QA’s, have photo shoots with the attendees, and basically get ld how much we’re adored all day, plus we get to see world and travel for free. On the side when I’m not busy on a set somewhere, I look for these surprisingly ubiquitous events prominent as science fiction conventions. Primarily, they’re not all like movie Galaxy Quest, and contrary to famous belief we as a matter of fact do NOT have to wear our costumes from the shows we’re reputed for, thank Zeus. Anyways, it ain’t a rubbish gig, my chums. Seriously. Actually the business I’m referring to generally pertains to some sort of acting, that means I do a number of my eating in my privacy own trailer after raiding the catering truck while wearing a spaceship crew uniform/pink frilly ball gown/a face full of prosthetics/fishnets and a whole lotta pleather.

I got back from Omaha myself, and I tumbled in love with the pretty old World Market.

I’m bookmarking our own post for future trips, we were limited as to where we could consume with kiddo in tow.

My 6yo wants to move there,, right after seeing it. We just hope pretty old Market doesn’t get washed away by the floods. Notice that glad you enjoyed my hometown. It’s abeing that it’s Omaha, it’ll get you about 2 full minutes of sitting at that bar to make modern chums. Did you hear of something like that before? It’s kinda like wine tasting. With that menu noone would blame you if you couldn’t, they’ve got a nifty row of tasters, little shots of every kind of beer you will narrow it down to your favorite, if you can’t pick a beer.

It’s a massive warehouse like restaurant with 2 floors, a huge patio, and a giant wrap around bar.

Except you burp more?

Since I’m not much of a beer drinker, I’ve vowed to study about it. A brewpub surely wouldn’t ever be my first choice. We planned to try Upstream depending on vast amount of a recommendation from fortunate Opu readers and conventiongoers alike. On p of this, I really grew pretty fond of their Firehouse reddish Lager, a fruity and delicious beer that went handinmatrimonialhand with excellent sweet and juicy BBQ chicken pizza. Glad you had this type of a good time. We’d definitely welcome you back as always. You one and the other were a pleasure to see and chill with over the weekend. LOVE that you went to Upstream! Here is one issue on my shorter list of things they miss about my home state, as a last NebraskanturnedCalifornian. Delicious Indian food, that is something you will not expect from Cornhusker land!

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